>Baby Showerin’

>The whole family went to a baby shower last night for my friends Iris and Rolando who are expecting a baby girl in April. I got to wear my new dress and Ryan wore his standard man-wear that works in every possible setting– khakis and a polo shirt. We dressed Charlie up like a frat boy.

I am adorable

Is there anything cuter than a baby in a miniature striped oxford cloth buttondown shirt? The answer is no; unless you count a baby in a miniature striped oxford cloth buttondown shirt and KHAKI PANTS!

Preppy Charlie and my legs
(I was making Charlie do the Twist as I bounced him on my knees and sang. He thinks it’s hysterical and I have no idea how I figured that out. I mean who thinks “I should bounce this baby on my knees and sing like Chubby Checker”? He also likes it when you sing his name over and over again to the tune of Havah Nagilah. I don’t know.)

In the picture you can see the skirt of my new red dress. It’s a magic dress that hides my funny tummy and giant boobs so that I look normal. Worth it’s weight in gold and it was only $25!

The shower was a good time. The couple was very grateful for all the gifts and there was yummy food and fun games. In particular I liked the one where the guys had to eat babyfood and guess what it was. Ryan won me a pretty candle by being the champion babyfood flavor guesser even though I teased him so much about his first guess, turkey, that he changed it to carrots and it ended up being turkey after all. It’s the same game we played at my baby shower that inspired me to learn to make Charlie’s babyfood myself because if something could really be either turkey OR carrots? Ew. A’s husband K guessed “Denture Adhesive” when it was actually prunes but I think it was because he had a cold and couldn’t taste well.

We gave the baby two tiny outfits (because their baby will be a dainty little thing and not grow out of size 0-3 months by the end of week five), burp cloths (don’t leave home without em), and some Babylegs, because they are the coolest.

The dad-to-be held Charlie for a while and Charlie fell asleep. Mostly because Charlie is the perfect baby and rarely fusses for more than a minute or two but also because I had given him a stern warning about only being cute and not scaring the new parents by projectile spitting up or blowing poop out the back of his diaper. Looks like it worked.

Charlie with Rolando (dad to be)
Charlie: “I like Puerto Ricans.”

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